Please see the PDF for a full list of presentations, publications, invited talks, mentorship, and outreach.
Dr. Michael West Jr - Provost's Postdoctoral Fellow at Johns Hopkins University
- Dr. West’s research studies fundamentals of upper-limb human motor control for leverage in robotic devices including rehabilitation robotics, collaborative robots, prosthetics, and dexterous robots. His innovative approaches to analyzing human motor control have yielded valuable insights into motor learning and perception, contributing to advancements in the field.
- 2020 - 2024
Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, Massachusetts
- Dissertation Title: All Models are Wrong, Simple Models Provide Insight: A Study of Human Manipulation
- Advisor: Neville Hogan
- 2018 - 2020
M.S., Mechanical Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, Massachusetts
- Dissertation Title: Towards a non-invasive measurement of human motion, force, and impedance during a complex physical-interaction task: wire-harnessing
- Advisor: Neville Hogan
- 2014 - 2018
B.S., Mechanical Engineering
Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut
- 2024 - 2027
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Haptics and Medical Robotics (HAMR) Laboratory, Johns Hopkins University
- Conducting cutting-edge research on haptic feedback and its role in robotic manipulation tasks to advance technologies in rehabilitation, prosthetics, and surgical robotics.
- Mentoring and advising PhD and master’s students on research methodologies, experimental design, and career development.
- 2018 - 2024
Graduate Researcher
Newman Laboratory for Biomechanics & Human Rehabilitation, MIT
- Explored how kinematic analysis of the human hand can be used to estimate the complexity of a piano score.
- Collected & analyzed data on human hand manipulation of complex objects & tools.
- Investigated how humans estimate hidden mechanical properties of another`s limbs simply by observing their motions.
- Conducted human subject experiment to analyze how humans control force during motion.
- 2017
Robotic Design Intern
Medtronic, North Haven, Connecticut
- Designed & built the first prototype of an articulating endoscope to interface with a surgical robot, using Creo Parametric 3.0.
- Implemented the endoscopes controller model using Simuscape 2017.
- 2016 - 2017
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Yale Biomechanics & Control Lab, Yale University
- Designed & built a 125-part saw guide to improve sternotomies & decrease complications stemming from sternal non-union.
- 2016
Design Engineering Student
Medical Device Design & Innovation, Yale University
- 2017 - 2018
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Social Robotics Laboratory Lab, Yale University
- Designed & built the interior & exterior components of a social robot`s articulating face to improve infant-robot interaction.
Honors and Awards
- 2024
- Johns Hopkins University Provost’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Program (PPF) ($100,880)
- Office of Graduate Education Service Award, MIT Recognizing Individuals Supporting Equity (RISE) Awards
- Shirley Anne Jackson Award, MIT Ebony Affair
- Presented to the black graduate student who exemplifies the spirit of trailblazing leadership, academic excellence, and commitment to breaking barriers in their field of study.
- 2023
- 12th Place (out of 300+ Submissions) Best Poster Competition, Rehab Week
- Accenture Fellowship ($98,349)
- MIT Mechanical Engineering Research Exhibition (MERE), Honorable Mention Best Overall Performance ($125)
- Black Alumni of MIT (BAMIT) Research SLAM, 2nd Place ($500)
- 2022
- Takeda Fellowship ($94,789)
- 2021
- Ben Gold Fellowship ($90,932.76)
- 2020
- Black Graduate Student Association (BGSA) Excellence in Research Award, MIT Ebony Affair
- Ford Foundation Fellowship ($81,000)
- GEM University Associate Fellowship
- 2018
- GEM University Associate Fellowship
- Ford Foundation Fellowship Honorable Mention
- OGE Diversity Fellowship, MIT
- 2017
- Student Design Showcase, 3rd Place, Design of Medical Devices Conference